
Unified Manager 9.14以降でクラウドエージェントの接続エラーでクラスタを追加または監視できない

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Active IQ Unified Manager(AIQUM)9.14以降



Unable to add cluster data source. This can occur if the clocks on the systems are not synchronized and the Active IQ Unified Manager HTTPS certificate start date is later than the date on the cluster, or if the cluster has reached the maximum number of EMS notification destinations.

  • um datasource add (UM CLI):

ERROR: Server returned HTTP status 500.HTTP error message :{"timestamp":'2024-05-30T17:09:32.879+00:00","status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","path":"/acquisition-api/server/datasource"}

  • server.log 次のいずれかを表示できます。

ERROR [org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.support.ErrorPageFilter] (default task-20) Forwarding to error page from request [/server/datasource] due to exception [Fail to add a new DS, message: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to establish connection for cloud agent instance "UnifiedManager_XXXXXX_XXXXXX_XXXXXXX_XXXXXXX". Reason: AMQP transport failed for connection "UnifiedManager_XXXXXX_XXXXXX_XXXXXXX_XXXXXXX". Reason: Error during websocket handshake: conn fail: 61.]: com.onaro.sanscreen.acquisition.sessions.AcquisitionUnitException [928-255-224]

ERROR [common-pool-100] c.o.s.a.f.d.BaseDataSource (DataSourceErrorException.java:246) - XXX-XXXX-XXXX [Internal error] - Failed in conversion ([Device name General Device]: Failed in conversion)

  • /jboss/server_acq.log 表示内容: 

ERROR [default task-XXXX] c.n.u.CloudAgentConnectionUtil (CloudAgentConnectionUtil.java:XXX) - Failed to establish connection for cloud agent instance"UnifiedManager_XXXXXX_XXXXXX_XXXXXXX_XXXXXXX". Reason: Interrupted

ERR: dc_manifest: handle_amqp_create:src/tables/dc_manifest.cc:1679 Failed to connect to host. Error: Failed to establish connection for cloud agent instance "UnifiedManager_ID". Reason: Timeout: Operation "connection setup" took longer than 10 seconds to complete. Unified Manager 9.14 unable to add cluster with cloud agent connection error

 ERROR [QpidJMS Connection Executor: ID:1fe52e62-2be5-437e-9a28-16824e0f1491:1] c.n.s.m.JmsBase (JmsBase.java:236) - Linked Exception: org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.exceptions.ProviderConnectionRemotelyClosedException: Connection closed by external action [condition = amqp:connection:forced] ERROR [QpidJMS Connection Executor: ID:1fe52e62-2be5-437e-9a28-16824e0f1491:1] c.n.s.m.JmsBase (JmsBase.java:238) - Disconnected from Broker, retrying to connect INFO [Thread-3244] c.n.s.m.JmsBase (JmsBase.java:103) - Trying to connect to Broker WARN [Thread-3245] c.n.s.m.JmsBase (JmsBase.java:219) - Failed to connect to Broker, will retry shortly 

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