
VMwareの時刻の同期により、Active IQ Unified Manager の時間がずれます

Last Updated:


  • OnCommand Unified Manager OVA 7.3 以上( UM )
  • Active IQ Unified Manager OVA 9.6 以降( UM )
  • VMware


  • Active IQ Unified Manager ( UM ) OVA 上のホスト時間が、設定した NTP サーバと異なる
  • date CLI でを実行して systemctl status ntp いる場合、出力結果に異なる時刻が表示されます
  • 次のエラーで収集データが収集されません: Cluster discovery failed. Rediscover the cluster after resolving the issue
  • UMとホストで時刻が異なるため、クラスタを追加できません
  • ログ内のTimedriftメッセージ

2021-05-05 13:07:31,790 ERROR [pool-3-thread-1] c.o.s.a.f.d.BaseDataSource (DataSourceErrorException.java:241) - NetAppCluster1 [Internal error] - General Message ([Device name General Device]: Cannot update server (com.netapp.oci.server.UpdateTaskException Failed execute task: class com.netapp.oci.platform.originator.OriginatorUpdateTask com.netapp.oci.server.UpdateTaskException Failed to run NewOriginatorUpdateTask, origin:1 originatorName:NetAppCluster1 com.netapp.oci.server.TransactionContextException [class=OriginatorUpdateTask, currentTime=1620212851721, lastUpdateTime=1621375846869] unexpected time drift of 1162995 seconds   Caused by:   Caused by: com.netapp.oci.server.TransactionContextException [class=OriginatorUpdateTask, currentTime=1620212851721, lastUpdateTime=1621375846869] unexpected time drift of 1162995 seconds  Caused by:   Caused by: com.netapp.oci.server.UpdateTaskException Failed to run NewOriginatorUpdateTask, origin:1 originatorName:NetAppCluster1 com.netapp.oci.server.TransactionContextException [class=OriginatorUpdateTask, currentTime=1620212851721, lastUpdateTime=1621375846869] unexpected time drift of 1162995 seconds   Caused by:   Caused by: com.netapp.oci.server.TransactionContextException [class)) java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: https://localhost:443/acquisition/originatorUpdate/NETAPP/1
         at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream0(HttpURLConnection.java:1919) ~[?:?]
         at java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection$9.run(HttpURLConnection.java:1507) ~[?:?]




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