SCSQLプラグインのアップグレードが「Another instance of this setup is already running」というメッセージで失敗する
- SnapCenter サーバ
- SQL 用 SnapCenter プラグイン
SnapCenter Plug-in for SQLのアップグレードが次のエラーで失敗します。
*** InstallShield suite engine (Unicode) started
Engine: we're running from C:\Users\xxxx~1\AppData\Local\Temp\{D19500D8-C05C-4C9A-B77E-695F16650B9A}\_isAC26.exe
Engine: running with elevated privileges: yes
Initializing engine...
Engine: setup will run silent
Engine: parsing setup.xml
Bootstrap engine exception: 80040711
Another instance of this setup is already running. Please wait for the other instance to finish and then try again.