
SnapCenter は、使用停止中のホストを削除できません

Last Updated:


  • SnapCenterサーバ(SC)4.8以前
  • SnapCenter MySQL NSMデータベース


  • 運用停止したホストまたはクラスタをSC GUIまたはPowerShell(PS)で削除できない
    • PowerShell

Remove-SmHost -HostNames <Host_FQDN> -Force
WARNING: HostName could not be resolved, continuing with host removal for the following hosts: <Host_FQDN>

  • SnapManagerWeb.log

ERROR SnapManagerWeb_<job id> PID=[xxxx] TID=[xxx] Unable to connect to the remote server. A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_<job id> PID=[xxxx] TID=[xxx] error calling smcore https://<hostname>:8145/SMProtectionGroupService/SchedulerTaskAction, for managing schedulers. Error: Failed to set host '<hostname>' in Production mode. The plug-in services might be down. Ensure that the plug-in services are up and running to proceed.

Failed to find host (host.domain.com). Verify if the host is up and running and check the DNS and firewall settings

Cannot remove the host related objects from the database. This issue might occur if you try to delete multiple hosts at the same time. You must delete one host at a time.

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