ユーザ権限が不足しているため、MetroCluster でONTAP メディエーターを追加できません
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- Category:
- metrocluster
- Specialty:
- metrocluster<a>2009143371</a>
- Last Updated:
- MetroCluster IP
- ONTAP メディエーター
- サードパーティの集中管理されたsudoサーバ
- MetroCluster でONTAP メディエーターを追加しようとすると、次のエラーが発生します。
Cluster::> metrocluster configuration-settings mediator add -mediator-address 10.XX.XX.31
Adding the mediator and enabling Automatic Unplanned Switchover. It may take a few minutes to complete.
Please enter the username for the mediator: mediatoradmin
Please enter the password for the mediator:
Confirm the mediator password:
Creating mediator mailboxes...
Error: command failed: The request to reach the mediator failed during the add operation.
Check if the mediator is reachable and then try the operation again.
- ONTAP メディエーターのログで次のエラーが報告されます。
[root@user123 ~]# /opt/netapp/lib/ontap_mediator/log/ontap_mediator.log
[2022-05-04 15:45:43,610] [ERROR] [4] [restapi.py:105] ontap_mediator.controllers.targets.post_target() failed with an exception:
RAN: /usr/bin/sudo scstadmin -noprompt -add_target iqn.2012-05.local:mailbox.target.60a2eXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-d039eaXXXXX:9dXXXX-XXXX-XXX-XXX-dXXXXXXXX:1 -driver iscsi -attributes 'MaxSessions=4,IncomingUser=mccadmin 567fdbbcf71ed363'
Sorry, user netapp is not allowed to execute '/usr/local/sbin/scstadmin -noprompt -add_target iqn.2012-05.local:mailbox.target.60a2e875-b6a1-11ec-9873-d039ea385bf8:9d2251a0-b5ef-11ec-a19b-d039ea37483b:1 -driver iscsi -attributes MaxSessions=4,IncomingUser=mccadmin 567fdbbcf71ed363' as root on ServXXXXX