
SP ハートビート LED が点灯し、障害は検出されませんでした

Last Updated:


  • FAS8200


  • system led show all SP heart beat LED オンになっていることを示します。

SP01-01*> system led show all
FRU LED ID 1 is off
FRU LED ID 2 is off
FRU LED ID 3 is off
FRU LED ID 4 is on
FRU LED ID 5 is off
FRU LED ID 28 is off

SP01-01*> system led show

Display status of the specified <FRU-LED-ID>.

        1 - SP Controller Fault LED
        2 - SP Chassis Locate LED
        3 - SP System Fault LED
       4 - SP Heartbeat LED
        5 - SP Fan 1 Fault LED
        28 - SP RTC Battery Fault LED (Coin Cell Battery)
        all others are not valid

  • service-event show SP プロンプトと ONTAP プロンプトの両方で障害は検出されませんでした。

SP01-01*>system service-event show
   ID   FRU Description                                              Fault Reason
   ---  ------------------------                                     ------------------                
Fault Lights On:

cluster::> system controller service-event show -instance
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