REST RBACのアップグレードおよびリバートタスク
Status: Paused - An error occurred in "Post-update checks" phase. The update cannot continue until the error has been resolved. Resolve all issues, then use the "cluster image resume-update" command to resume the update.
Status Message: The upgrade aborted in the "post-apps" phase on task "Upgrade and Revert Task for REST RBAC". Contact support personnel for the upgrade repair procedure.
Vers Phase Status Upgrade Phase Status Message
---- ---------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------
1800 post-apps aborted Upgrade task ABORTED. Reason: Failed to create Vserver web access entry for Vserver "Svm-150", service "rest" and role "fba_role". Reason: Changes to the Vserver configuration are not permitted: the management configuration for the Vserver "Svm-150" is locked.
::*>upgrade-revert show-task-status -node * -status aborted
(system node upgrade-revert show-task-status)
Node Vers Phase ID Proc Status Description
------------ ---- --------- --- ------ ---------- -----------------------------
node-01 1800 post-apps 1815 mgwd aborted Upgrade and Revert Task for REST RBAC