
クラスタ内の証明書のエントリが重複しているため、Unified Managerにクラスタを追加できません

Last Updated:


  • Active IQ Unified Manager(AIQUM)
  • ONTAP 9


  • AIQUMにクラスタデータソースを追加できません
  • AIQUM GUIのエラー:

Unable to add cluster datasource. This can occur if the clocks on the systems are not synchronized and the Active IQ

Unified Manager HTTPS certificate start date is later than the date on the cluster, or if the cluster has reached the
maximum number of EMS notification destinations.

  • ONTAP audit.log でAPIコマンドが失敗しましたaudit.log

audit (3).log:00000016.105fa7f7 098d4b04 Tue Jan 17 2023 13:17:55 -06:00 [kern_audit:info:71823] 8503f700022d6c51 :: clustername:ontapi :: 10.x.x.x:59394 :: clustername:admin :: <netapp version='1.0' xmlns='http://www.netapp.com/filer/admin' nmsdk_version='9.8P3' nmsdk_platform='Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.9 x86_64' nmsdk_language='Java'><security-certificate-install><type>server-ca</type><certificate>-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDRjCCAi6gAwIB...r0yswR... :: Pending:

audit (3).log:00000016.105fa7fc 098d4b04 Tue Jan 17 2023 13:17:55 -06:00 [kern_audit:info:71823] 8503f700022d6c51 :: clustername:ontapi :: 10.x.x.x:59394 :: clustername:admin :: security-certificate-install :: Error: duplicate entry

  • mgwd.log 重複する証明書を表示します。

2023 13:17:55 -06:00 [kern_mgwd:info:71823] 0x81ef36f00: 8503f700022d6c52: ERR: security_mgwd::tables::certificate::install_cert: [logInstallRemoveError]:66: SSL: Failed to install the certificate with common name f323d9d3-07e0-49c8-96c5-0d0fbac81c19, Reason: duplicate entry

  • AIQUM audit.log

2023-01-15 07:16:22,550 INFO  [pool-49-thread-1] c.n.o.n.e.EmsZapiManager (EmsZapiManager.java:524) - [EMS ZAPI] - Modifying Event Notification Destination - Name: clustername, API URL: https://clustername:9443/acq/ontap/ems, Certificate Authority: f323d9d3-07e0-49c8-96c5-0d0fbac81c19, Certificate Serial Number: 3B3BC8E9
2023-01-15 07:20:02,032 ERROR [pool-49-thread-7] c.n.o.n.e.EmsZapiManager (EmsZapiManager.java:718) - Failed to call vserver-get-iter -- : netapp.manage.NaProtocolException: Unexpected HTTP response: 502 Bad Gateway
at deployment.mega-app.ear//netapp.manage.NaServer.invokeHTTP(NaServer.java:1019)
: netapp.manage.NaProtocolException: Unexpected HTTP response: 502 Bad Gateway


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