シャーシファン FRU で障害が発生しました: SP / BMC のアップグレード後も複数のファンで障害が発生しました
- FAS2620 / FAS2650 / AFF A200
- FAS2720 / FAS2750 / AFF A220
- FAS8200 / AFF A300
- EMSエラー。例:
[Cluster: env_mgr: monitor.fan.warning:notice]: multiple fans have failed. Replace it to avoid overheating
[Cluster: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Module B Expander Temp) is not readable.
[Cluster: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Module A Expander Temp) is not readable.
[Cluster: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Midplane 4 Temp) is not readable.
[Cluster: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Midplane 3 Temp) is not readable.
[Cluster: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Midplane 2 Temp) is not readable.
[Cluster: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Midplane 1 Temp) is not readable.
[Cluster: env_mgr: monitor.temp.unreadable:error]: The controller temperature (Ambient Temp) is not readable.
[Cluster: env_mgr: callhome.c.fan.fru.fault:error]: Call home for CHASSIS FAN FRU FAILED: Multiple fans have failed
- イベントログでSPの負荷が高い。例:
[SP.notice]: SP load is high: 2.62 2.37 2.04
[SP.notice]: SP load is high: 2.71 2.31 2.08
- SP syslog出力でenv_mgrエラーが繰り返し発生しました。例:
env_mgr[1356]: Error opening ses, err -1
env_mgr[1356]: cdev_reopen: error opening device 'ses', err -1.
env_mgr[1356]: cdevices_poll_pending: cdev(2001) re-open, state is 4.