
host_port_fail - IOMによって無効になりました- AutoSupport メッセージ

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • CallHome.hostport.disable:エラー
  • Call home for HOST_PORT_FAIL - Disabled by IOM

イベント サマリ




HA Group Notification from Node Name (HOST_PORT_FAIL - Disabled by IOM) WARNING


event log show -severity * -message-name callhome*

[Node Name: dsa_worker3: callhome.hostport.disable:error]: Call home for HOST_PORT_FAIL - Disabled by IOM

event log show -severity * -event *sas.*    (出力例)

[Node Name: pmcsas_asyncd_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'Asyncd device scan done.', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: pmcsas_asyncd_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'Device 0a.02.9 invalidate debounce - 40', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: pmcsas_asyncd_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'Asyncd device scan done.', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: pmcsas_asyncd_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'Device 0a.02.9 came back.', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: pmcsas_asyncd_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'Asyncd device scan done.', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: pmcsas_asyncd_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'DISCOVERY: REPORT GENERAL on expander 5:00a098:0075d9d:3f: Configing 2 -- continuing (0)', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: pmcsas_asyncd_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'Device 0a.02.9 invalidate debounce - 40', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: pmcsas_asyncd_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'Asyncd device scan done.', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: pmcsas_asyncd_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'DISCOVERY: REPORT GENERAL on expander 5:00a098:0075d9d:3f: Configing 2 -- continuing (1)', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: pmcsas_asyncd_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'Device 0a.02.9 came back.', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: pmcsas_asyncd_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'Asyncd device scan done.', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: pmcsas_asyncd_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'Device 0a.02.9 invalidate debounce - 10', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: pmcsas_asyncd_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'Asyncd device scan done.', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: dsa_worker5: ds.sas.running.disparity:debug]: [  9 ] on channels 0b shelf ID 2 IOM A9 reports running disparity errors.
[Node Name: pmcsas_timeout_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'Device 0a.02.9 invalidated.', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: pmcsas_timeout_0: sas.adapter.debug:info]: params: {'debug_string': 'Invalidating device 0a.02.9. ', 'adapterName': '0a'}
[Node Name: dsa_worker1: ds.sas.running.disparity:debug]: [  9 ] on channels 0a shelf ID 2 IOM B9 reports running disparity errors.
[Node Name: dsa_worker1: ds.sas.hostphy.disableErr:critical]: [  9 ] on channels 0a shelf id 2 IOM BDisabled due to excessive phy changes.


system node run -node <NodeName> -command sasadmin expander_phy_state

 Expander phy state on 0a.2 (NETAPP :DS424IOM6 SHJHU1450000273): Pwr Invald Disprt Loss Phy CRC Phy Pwr Ccl Rsv Rls DWord Error Sync Reset Error Change SATA PHY/BAY STATE ON Cnt Cnt Cnt Count Count Count Prob Cnt Cnt Affiliation ------- ----------------- --- --- --- --- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ---------------- 0/P0:0 6.0 Gb/s --- --- --- --- 0 0 0 0 0 3 ---------------- 1/P0:1 6.0 Gb/s --- --- --- --- 0 0 0 0 0 3 ---------------- 2/P0:2 6.0 Gb/s --- --- --- --- 0 0 0 0 0 3 ---------------- 3/P0:3 6.0 Gb/s --- --- --- --- 0 0 0 0 0 3 ---------------- 4/P1:0 6.0 Gb/s --- --- --- --- 0 0 0 0 0 1 ---------------- 5/P1:1 6.0 Gb/s --- --- --- --- 0 0 0 0 0 1 ---------------- 6/P1:2 6.0 Gb/s --- --- --- --- 0 0 0 0 0 1 ---------------- 7/P1:3 6.0 Gb/s --- --- --- --- 0 0 0 0 0 1 ---------------- 8/0 6.0 Gb/s YES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ---------------- 9/1 6.0 Gb/s YES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ---------------- 10/2 6.0 Gb/s YES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ---------------- 11/3 6.0 Gb/s YES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ---------------- 12/4 6.0 Gb/s YES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ---------------- 13/5 6.0 Gb/s YES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ---------------- 14/6 6.0 Gb/s YES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ---------------- 15/7 6.0 Gb/s YES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ---------------- 16/8 6.0 Gb/s YES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ---------------- 17/9 Disabled/BRST_PCD YES 0 0 0 18/10 6.0 Gb/s YES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ---------------- 19/11 6.0 Gb/s YES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ---------------- 20/12 6.0 Gb/s YES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ---------------- 



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