

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • FabricPool
  • 階層化




  • 2つのFabricPool アグリゲートが構成されている。
myCluster::*>aggr object-store show
Aggregate      Object Store Name Availability   Mirror Type
-------------- ----------------- -------------  -----------
aggr2_fp       svm-s3-DST        available      primary
aggr4_fp       svm-s3-DST        available      primary
2 entries were displayed.

  • ボリューム vol_fp_moveme は、 aggr2_fptiering-policyauto がおよび tiering-minimum-cooling-days に設定されたアグリゲートでホストされ 2ています。データが48時間以上読み取られないと、設定されたクラウド階層に階層化されます。
myCluster::*>vol show vol_fp_moveme -fields tiering-minimum-cooling-days, tiering-policy, aggregate
vserver   volume        aggregate tiering-policy tiering-minimum-cooling-days
--------- ------------- --------- -------------- ----------------------------
svm1      vol_fp_moveme  aggr2_fp       auto                  2
  • 現在、すべてのデータがに格納 Performance Tierされていますが、階層化されたデータはmyS3Fabricpool まだありません。
myCluster::*>vol show-footprint vol_fp_moveme
Vserver : svm1
Volume  : vol_fp_moveme
Feature                                          Used    Used%
--------------------------------           ----------    -----
Volume Data Footprint                          8.12MB       0%
Footprint in Performance Tier                  9.77MB     100%
Footprint in myS3Fabricpool                       0B       0%
  • WAFL のコールドデータレポート(CDR)統計には 2001 、経過日 0 to 2 days001 数が経過したブロックが表示されます。将来階層化されることが予想されます。
myCluster::>set adv
Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

myCluster::*>statistics start -sample-id mysample -object wafl_cdr_vol
Statistics collection is being started for sample-id: mysample

myCluster::*>statistics stop -sample-id mysample
Statistics collection is being stopped for sample-id: mysample

myCluster::*>statistics show -sample-id mysample -object wafl_cdr_vol -instance aggr_aggr2_fp_vol_vol_fp_moveme -counter blks_cooled_by_ranges|blks_scanned|blks_days
Object: wafl_cdr_vol
Instance: aggr_aggr2_fp_vol_vol_fp_moveme
Start-time: 3/24/2023 14:56:01
End-time: 3/24/2023 14:56:08
Elapsed-time: 7s
Scope: myCluster-01
Counter                 Value
---------------------- ------
blks_cooled_by_ranges       -
0 to 2 days              2001
3 to 5 days                 0
6 to 14 days                0
15 to 31 days               0
32 to 45 days               0
>45 days                    0
blks_days                                                       -
000                         0
001                      2001
  • ボリュームが別のFabricPool アグリゲートに移動された aggr4_fp場合:
myCluster::*>volume move start -vserver svm1 -volume vol_fp_moveme -destination-aggregate aggr4_fp
[Job 1337] Job is queued: Move "vol_fp_moveme" in Vserver "svm1" to aggregate "aggr4_fp". Use the "volume move show -vserver svm1 -volume vol_fp_moveme" command to view the status of this operation.

myCluster::*>vol show vol_fp_moveme -fields tiering-minimum-cooling-days, tiering-policy, aggregate
vserver   volume        aggregate tiering-policy tiering-minimum-cooling-days
--------- ------------- --------- -------------- ----------------------------
svm1 vol_fp_moveme       aggr4_fp           auto                  2

myCluster::*>statistics start -sample-id mysample -object wafl_cdr_vol
Statistics collection is being started for sample-id: mysample

myCluster::*>statistics stop -sample-id mysample
Statistics collection is being stopped for sample-id: mysample

myCluster::*>vol show -vserver svm1 -volume vol_fp_moveme -fields name-ordinal
vserver   volume        name-ordinal
--------- ------------- ------------
svm1      vol_fp_moveme       1
  • ブロック温度がリセットされます。データが階層化されるまでにさらに2日かかります。
myCluster::*>statistics show -sample-id mysample -object wafl_cdr_vol -instance aggr_aggr4_fp_vol_vol_fp_moveme(1) -counter blks_cooled_by_ranges|blks_scanned|blks_days
Object: wafl_cdr_vol
Instance: aggr_aggr4_fp_vol_vol_fp_moveme(1)
Start-time: 3/24/2023 15:12:14
End-time: 3/24/2023 15:12:18
Elapsed-time: 4s
Scope: myCluster-01
Counter                 Value
---------------------- ------
blks_cooled_by_ranges       -
0 to 2 days                 0
3 to 5 days                 0
6 to 14 days                0
15 to 31 days               0
32 to 45 days               0
>45 days                    0
blks_days                 -
000                         0
001                       0

NetApp provides no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or reliability or serviceability of any information or recommendations provided in this publication or with respect to any results that may be obtained by the use of the information or observance of any recommendations provided herein. The information in this document is distributed AS IS and the use of this information or the implementation of any recommendations or techniques herein is a customer's responsibility and depends on the customer's ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer's operational environment. This document and the information contained herein may be used solely in connection with the NetApp products discussed in this document.